Races in 2019

Dear fanciers,

Thank you for visiting our web page page and the highlights of this edition.

It was a second edition with good races ! but it is also space to do some improvements in the upcoming 3rd edition.

We started In 2019 with big expectations. Fanciers from Italy, Holland and Germany took part of the 6 races with final 600 km Przemysl eliberation point. The long distance was very heavy for the young birds unfortunately.

We have welcomed 500 pigeons and debuted in training phase with 460 pigeons. The good feeding with Matador pigeon food and quality products such as BLT , Kombi Mix , Bronho-sprint, supported us in basketing a number of 264 pigeons in the HALF-FINAL 405 km, more than 50% of stock birds.

5 races from N. eliberation points thru front wind , side wind and hills have made the races even harder.

As for our next edition we want to be better in taking care of your pigeons and to do better races.

We will be part of EXPO Kassel in October and we hope to see and discuss with you.

Best regards,

OLR Gimpati-Romania

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